
Rahual Rai


Hi! I'm Rahual Rai, a Computer Science student originally from Singapore and currently based in the Washington, D.C. Join me on my journey, accompanied by my coffee mug and trusty laptop, as I explore the world of technology and beyond.

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My passion for technology and innovation has led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science at Howard University, where I specialize in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. I am dedicated to creating a positive impact through my work, whether it's developing innovative software solutions or conducting cutting-edge research in the field of AI.

As a researcher, I have cultivated two lines of research that explore pressing issues in cybersecurity and social data analysis. In the first, my research focuses on enhancing cybersecurity in the energy sector and predictive modeling of cyber attacks, working under the mentorship of respected faculty at Howard University. Notably, I have contributed to projects that integrate the latest technologies to identify vulnerabilities and improve security measures in critical infrastructure. In the second line of research, I analyze large datasets from social media to understand public sentiments and behavioral patterns. My work in analyzing over 9.3 million tweets related to the Black Lives Matter movement, for example, has helped shed light on the variations in discourse across different demographics and geographical locations.
